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Expert says we've been washing bedding all wrong - it's ruining the sheets

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Washing your bedsheets may seem like a no-brainer task - just strip the bed and throw everything into the machine, right?Wrong.

According to a furniture expert, we're all in for a rude awakening, finding out we've been doing it all incorrectly our whole lives, not to mention slacking on how often we should be washing them. Putting too much detergent or fabric softener could spell disaster for our linens, the pro warns.

The golden rule from Nic Shacklock of Online Bedrooms - once-a-week washes and steer clear of tumble dryers at all costs. Shockingly revealing how off the mark many of us are, Nic states: "It may sound surprising but a lot of people are actually washing their bedding wrong. For starters, they're not washing the sheets enough. We sleep in our beds for around eight hours a night, which means over the course of one week we spend a lot of time there.

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"You wouldn't go that long without washing your clothes and the same rules apply to your bedding. We've put together some tips to help people wash their bedding properly and avoid ruining their sheets." The expert revealed seven golden rules to snuggle-worthy bedding, highlighting the importance of being sparing with both detergent and fabric softener. He advised that too much of the latter can result in a "waxy residue" that actually makes your sheets less comfy.

It's also vital, he said, to always check the washing instructions on your bedding, as there may be strict temperature guidelines you'll need to stick to. And here’s a startling tip: don't throw your sheets into the tumble dryer, even if the tag says it's fine.

The insider explained: "Over time the dryer causes your bedding to lose its strength and softness which will compromise the feel of the sheets." He also recommended washing your bedding separately and making sure your duvet cover is buttoned up, preventing pillowcases from hiding inside it during the wash cycle, ensuring they get fully clean.

Nic's final piece of advice focused on the frequency of washing bed sheets, reinforcing his earlier assertion that it should be done weekly – a must given how much time we spend snuggled up each night. He explained: "The majority of people wash their bedding once every two weeks but this isn't enough. We sleep in our bed for eight hours a night, that's 56 hours over the week in the same bedding.

"We all sweat throughout the night and this combined with the build-up of dust mites makes our beds a breeding ground for bacteria which is why they should be washed once a week."

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