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Gross reason you should change sheets every week - and when to replace your mattress

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We spend roughly a third of our lives in bed, but it never seems to be enough.

However, it appears that our bedding and mattress are breeding grounds for bacteria and other unpleasant things, with many people guilty of frequently enough. Some may go several weeks or even a month without changing the duvet cover, but experts at emphasise that it needs to be done weekly.

They explain that your favourite pillow can accumulate thousands of times more bacteria than a toilet seat in just seven nights. Fortunately, the organisms found on pillowcases are largely harmless and are simply a build up of skin cells, sweat and saliva.


Another common mistake is how infrequently we change our mattresses. It's not exactly an exciting purchase, so many don't consider investing in a new one unless necessary. However, it too is a haven for germs and you could be sharing your bed with yeast, mould and bacteria.

In addition to microbes, skin cells and food particles transferred from our bodies to our mattresses, gravity plays a role in making mattresses such a germ-ridden spot. Airborne dust and debris particles float around the bedroom before settling on the bed.

The experts recommend replacing your mattress every seven to eight years. Nic Shacklock, from , said: "It is no secret that germs live all over our houses, however there are lots of hidden spots that we may not ever think about during our cleaning rituals.

"Spots like pillowcases and curtains might look fresh and clean, they are hiding a range of nasty bacteria that could lead to enhanced allergies, unpleasant odours and skin issues."

But possibly the most unexpected germ hotspot is bedroom lamps, which accumulate a substantial amount of germs yet often get overlooked during cleaning. Their surfaces provide a space for dust and dirt to settle and are frequently touched, so they require wiping and disinfecting every week.

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