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Toddler's devastating diagnosis after dentist spots something odd during routine check-up

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A three-year-old boy was diagnosed with after what was supposed to be a routine dental check-up.

Kaylan Hampson was dashed to Edinburgh Children's Hospital when his dentist noticed something unusual. He's since endured an array of intense treatments for the , including a bone marrow biopsy, a lumbar puncture, and surgery to fit a chest port while battling with a feeding tube. The youngster experienced hair loss more than one year into his treatment.

But, after several years battling the blood cancer, Kaylan, now seven, recently celebrated the end of his treatment by ringing the bell, an occasion met with cheers from hospital staff. Recalling that day, Kaylan's dad Martin said: "It was a very special day. All the staff cheered for him. His school even held a special assembly, so he got to celebrate the end of his treatment there as well."

Martin, 25, said since his son was diagnosed in 2019, Kaylan missed significant amounts of school and put a stop to his football games. The dad, from Kirkcaldy, , said: "It's a diagnosis I wouldn't wish on any child. I remember looking at him as he slept, thinking 'I wish I could be ill instead of you.' It was a complete shock. That same day, he was transferred to the children's hospital for further tests. They confirmed our worst fear - he had leukaemia."


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Martin, who has a military background and currently works at a recycling power plant, told : "It's like we lived a completely different life. Everything stopped. Every cough, every cold became an alarm. The slightest change in temperature could mean a two-day hospital stay.

"At one point, he was in critical care because they thought he might have , and I truly thought I might lose him. There were times in hospital when he couldn't even leave his room, not even to step into the corridor or have a wander around the garden."

Despite the tough times, Kaylan found comfort in the support from hospital staff and Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity (ECHC). His dad Martin expressed his gratitude, as reported by our sister title : "Thankfully, Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity was there to bring joy and cheer him up. Musicians came and played guitar for him, and we did loads of activities like face painting, right by his bedside. On the toughest days, those small moments made all the difference. It was such a relief to see him smile."

Now only visiting the hospital every six months, Kaylan's father Martin is committed to giving back through fundraising for ECHC. He said: "I want to give back for all the support we received while Kaylan was in and out of hospital. It's my way of saying thank you to everyone who helped us. This year, I'm supporting the charity through a event."

Following an intense eight-week training period, Martin is set to participate in a charity boxing match in Dunfermline, Fife, organised by UWCB Charity Boxing. The main event will take place at the Glen Pavilion on 24 November, with a trophy awarded to the participant who raises the most funds.

You can back Martin by contributing to his , and also support the crucial daily work of the ECHC here.

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