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Understanding The Universality Of Vastu Principles

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Vastu shastra principles remain consistent globally, transcending hemispheric boundaries. The five elements — earth, water, fire, air, and space — are universal and influence all living entities. Consequently, the fundamental rules of vastu shastra maintain their essence across diverse nations and continents. This ancient wisdom recognises the interconnectedness of nature and human dwellings, promoting harmony and balance regardless of geographical location.

Vastu consultants experts from both hemispheres have dismissed the southern hemisphere theory, but I can only speak from my own experiences. Over my nearly more than three decades of practice, I’ve worked with numerous clients in the southern hemisphere. These clients have received advice based on the traditional northern hemisphere principles of vastu.

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Interestingly, the feedback and results I’ve gathered from these southern hemisphere clients closely mirror those from their northern counterparts. This consistency in outcomes across hemispheres is striking and informative. It suggests that the ancient wisdom of vastu shastra transcends geographical boundaries.

Based on this extensive practical experience and the positive results observed, I feel confident in asserting that altering calculations to suit the southern hemisphere is unnecessary. The time-honoured principles of vastu appear to be universally applicable, regardless of one’s location on the globe.

To truly grasp the essence of vastu, one must delve deeper into its core principles. Vastu is not merely about building structures; it’s a profound science that seeks to harmonize the five elements within a space. While some advisors may offer conflicting opinions based on the sun’s movement, vastu’s wisdom extends far beyond this singular aspect.

Consider this: vastu views each building as a microcosm of the universe itself. The goal is to create an environment that simplifies and enriches the lives of its inhabitants.

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What’s truly remarkable about vastu is its universal applicability. In my extensive experience working on homes across the globe – from the Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Thailand and even Germany – I’ve observed a fascinating consistency. The principles we follow in India are not only applicable worldwide but also prove remarkably effective regardless of geographical location.

This global relevance underscores the timeless and borderless nature of vastu, making it a valuable tool for creating harmonious living spaces anywhere on earth.

An ancient Indian architectural science, vastu shastra offers principles that generally remain consistent across hemispheres. However, the southern hemisphere presents unique considerations. In this region, the sun’s path differs, moving towards the north instead of the south. This celestial shift necessitates adjustments in building design, particularly in the placement of windows for optimal sunlight and ventilation.

The writer is Chief Vastu Consultant, Vastu Plus and has authored several books on the subject.

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