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Daughters Day 2024: 'Ananya, Rysa Teach, Pamper, And Scold Me', Says Actor Chunky Panday

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Chunky Panday is always ready with a laugh but one can detect the genuine emotion in his voice when he talks about his two beloved daughters — Ananya and Rysa. One can feel the paternal pride bursting through his voice as he discusses Ananya’s performance in Call Me Bae. The actor takes time off from his busy shoot to deliberate on dads and daughters.

Excerpts from the interview:

How has your relationship with your daughters Ananya and Rysa changed over time?

My relationship with my daughters has evolved with their ages. When they were babies, and later when they were toddlers, I taught them, pampered them, and scolded them. During their days as students — from age 10 to 19 — I travelled with them and tried to introduce them to this wonderful world. And now that they are in the 20 to 29 age span, they teach me, they pamper me, and they scold me (laughs).

Do you miss having a son?

Not at all. I never wanted a son. We were always two brothers growing up in our childhood home and we really troubled our parents so I always wanted a daughter. I'm lucky to have these two beautiful girls. I love both my daughters more and more every day. I show my affection by calling them by a zillion different pet names.

How dependent are your daughters on their father?

At whatever age they are, they know for sure that whenever there is a problem, Dad is their first and last resort. I can't say how dependent they are on me, but they are aware that I will solve anything for them.

Are you a ‘cool dad’ whose daughter discusses her romantic life with him?

Well, I've always told Ana (actress Ananya Panday) that when she finds a guy who's 10 times better than me, then we can get into a discussion. So, we'll discuss boyfriends then.

Are your daughters closer to their mom than you?

Of course, they're very close to their mom. More so.

Do you exert any influence over what outfit Ananya wears?

I asked her what I should wear! Because she borrows most of my shirts. I shop for them when I travel, not that they like my choices very much.

As an actor, do you advise Ananya about a film she should sign? How receptive is she to your views?

We discuss it but she ends up doing what she wants to. She has a mind of her own. In fact, we have a lot of conflict over this because she wants to concentrate more on performances and I want her to do more commercial cinema. So there's a constant conflict between father and daughter, But, I must say, I'm quite proud of her, especially after seeing Call Me Bae.

My only advice to her is not to imitate anyone's path to success. I tell her, ‘What has worked for someone else may not necessarily work for you. And don’t ever underestimate or write off any person. In our profession, all it takes is one correct film to bounce back.’

Has Ananya inherited your sense of humour?

Yes, she has got a bit of the sense of humour I have. I think it's important for an actor to have the ability to laugh at himself; an actor has to be shameless. And I think this trait is fabulously showcased in Call Me Bae. If you watch her acting in this, the kind of comedy she has done is absolutely rib-tickling. So, I think, yes, she's taken that little slice from me. I am staking that claim because that happens to be my claim to fame right now (laughs).

Do you think acting with your daughter in a film would be a good idea?

I would love to act in a comedy film with Ananya; she has the flair for it. We never have a straight conversation... We are always laughing or joking about everything.

Did you teach Ananya how to accept the emotional highs and lows of being a public figure?

I tell her to enjoy the good aspects and ignore the bad things. I think she is sensible and knows that better than I do.

Does Ananya live with you? Or has she flown the coop and lives in the flat she has bought?

She does both.

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