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Iron Cleaning Tips: Clean the burnt iron like this, the lower part of the iron will become like new in a few minutes

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In today's time, inflation is so high that most people iron their clothes themselves. In such a situation, the electric iron has become an important tool in our daily life. It plays an important role in making our clothes attractive. By using the electric iron, we can iron our clothes with peace of mind and give them a new look. It often happens that the lower part of the electric iron gets dirty. Many times the iron burns due to the burning of clothes while ironing clothes. The dirty lower part of the electric press can stain your other clothes and also reduce the efficiency of the press.

In such a situation, today we are going to tell you some effective ways to clean the lower part of the press so that the burnt iron can easily become like new. Although cleaning the black stain present in the lower part of the press is not a big deal, people do not know how to clean it, so it seems very difficult. It is very important to follow some tips before cleaning the press.

For this, first of all, wet the stained part of the press with lemon. Now let it remain like this for 4-5 minutes. This will soften the stain a little and it will be easy to clean. Now you can adopt two home remedies-

First - With the help of baking soda and lemon

First of all, put 3 teaspoons of baking soda in a bowl. Also, add 3 teaspoons of lemon juice. Now apply this mixture to the stained part of the press. Leave it for about 5 minutes. After a while, clean it by rubbing it with a cleaning brush, so that the press will become much cleaner than before.

Second - With the help of baking soda and toothpaste

First of all, take 3 teaspoons of baking soda in a bowl. Now add about 3 teaspoons of toothpaste to it and mix it well. After this, apply the mixture to the burnt part of the press and leave it for about 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, clean it by rubbing it with sandpaper, after proper cleaning, the bottom part of the press will become much cleaner and like new than before.

(PC: Adobe stock)

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