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Pregnancy Tips: How normal is weight gain during pregnancy? Know important things related to the health of pregnant women

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Pregnancy is a very delicate and important time for any woman. A baby is growing inside a pregnant woman, which comes into the world after nine months. Every woman has many questions in her mind during pregnancy. Many changes occur in the body of a woman during pregnancy. One of these changes is the increasing weight of a pregnant woman. It is normal for a pregnant woman to gain weight, but one question that remains in every woman's mind is how much weight gain is right? Can excessive weight gain during pregnancy cause problems during delivery? Women who are going to become mothers for the first time get worried about weight gain and start controlling their diet. However, trying to lose weight through diet or exercise without thinking can be harmful to the pregnant woman. Therefore, first of all, you should know how normal is weight gain for a pregnant woman. Can weight gain cause problems during delivery?

Reasons for weight gain during pregnancy

One reason for a woman's weight gain during pregnancy is that the weight of the baby also gets added to the mother's body. If there are twins, it is normal to gain 15 to 20 kg of weight. Apart from this, weight gain also occurs due to an increase in the size of the breast of the pregnant woman, an increase in the size of the placenta, an increase in the size of the uterus, and the formation of extra blood and fluid in the body.

When does the weight of a pregnant woman start increasing?

In the first three months of pregnancy, the weight of a woman is normal, but later the weight can increase by 3/4th or 1 kg every week.

How much weight increases during pregnancy?


Normal weight gain in a pregnant woman: Weight can increase from 12 to 16 kg. Women who have gained weight before pregnancy can gain up to 16 kg during pregnancy. On the other hand, the weight of healthy women is likely to increase by about 12 kg.

Risks of excess weight gain during pregnancy
If a pregnant woman gains more weight than normal, it can cause some complications for the mother and the baby. Excessive weight gain can lead to C-sections, diabetes during pregnancy, high blood pressure, and macrosomia. Apart from this, children of overweight mothers may be at risk of obesity and other health problems in the future.


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