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Yoga Tips: Do these 5 yogasanas while lying on the bed, these will be the benefits for health

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Wrong lifestyle and eating habits affect people's health. Due to this people start suffering from many diseases. These include physical and mental problems like obesity, fatigue, body pain, and stress. Yogasana is beneficial to get rid of such physical problems. Regular practice of yogasana provides relief from problems caused by wrong lifestyle and lack of nutritious food. However, in a hectic lifestyle, people do not even get time to do yoga or exercise. But to keep healthy and fit, there are some yoga asanas that you can do in bed every morning after waking up. Practicing yoga asana in the morning increases metabolism. Along with reducing physical problems, yogasana also reduces stress and anxiety. Know about those five yoga asanas, which you can easily do on the bed every morning.

Practicing Bhujangasana daily strengthens the arms. There is a stretch in the muscles, which reduces belly fat and brings flexibility to the spine. To practice Bhujangasana, lie straight on the stomach on the bed and bring both hands in front of the shoulders. Then keep the whole body in a straight line while bringing both hands in front of the shoulders. Now lift the upper part with the arms and keep the part above the waist in the air while keeping the legs straight. After staying in this position for some time, come back to normal position.

Butterfly Pose
Baddhakonasana is called Butterfly Pose, by practicing which the muscles of the hips and thighs get stretched and fat is reduced. This yoga asana is also beneficial for strengthening the legs and hips shape. To do this yoga asana, sit straight on the bed and bend the knees of both legs inwards. Now join both the soles of the feet together and hold the feet with both hands. Now move the thighs. After staying in this position, come back to a normal position.

Do Pawanmuktasana to make the body flexible and the spine strong. Pavanamuktasana relieves body fatigue. To do this asana, lie down on the bed and fold both legs together. Then put the knees on the chest and gather the legs with both hands. While being in this position, take long breaths and exhale.


Viparita Karani

By doing this asana, blood circulation reaches the brain directly and the brain works faster. The brain is stress-free the dark circles are cured and the skin glows. To do Viparita Karani Yogasana, lie down on the bed and put your feet against the wall. Then keep the legs straight and straighten the body as well. Stay in this position for some time and then become normal.

Ardha Matsyendrasana

The practice of Ardha Matsyendrasana reduces the fat of the hips and thigh muscles. Along with improving blood circulation, waist fat is also reduced. To do Ardha Matsyendrasana, first, sit on the bed in the posture of Dandasana. Now keeping the body straight, bend the left leg from the knee lift the right leg, and bring it to the left knee. Now place the elbow of the right hand on the knee of the right leg. After remaining in this position, repeat this asana from the other side.


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