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Yoga Tips: It is necessary for every housewife to practice these yogasanas, they are helpful in overall fitness

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Yoga is beneficial for people of all ages for better health. From children to adults and from men to women, everyone should practice yoga regularly. However, most women are unable to take time for themselves due to the day's work. The result is that women have problems like obesity, blood pressure, sugar, thyroid, and knee pain. In such a situation, yoga is a permanent solution to all these problems faced by women. To stay away from these physical problems and keep yourself healthy, take time for yourself from the busy schedule of the day and do some yoga asanas. Here you are being told about some such yoga asanas that are beneficial for housewives. In the next slides, learn about the yogasanas beneficial for women's health.


Dhanurasana removes menstrual disorders in women. This yoga asana stretches the muscles well, which reduces belly fat. To do Dhanurasana, lie down on your stomach, bend your knees, and hold the ankles with your palms. Now raise your legs and arms according to your capacity. Stay in this posture for some time while looking up and then come back to a normal state. Repeat this process.

This yogasana makes the body flexible. The practice of this yogasana gives mental peace and reduces stress. To do Balasana, sit on the ground in the Vajrasana position and while breathing in, raise both your hands straight above the head. Now while exhaling, bend forward. While resting your palms and head on the ground, take a long breath in and out. Join the fingers of the hands together and place the head gently between both palms. After some time come back to the old position.


The practice of Sukhasana is helpful for mental and physical peace. This asana is done before starting yoga. So that the breathing process can be controlled. To do the asana, sit cross-legged on the ground close both eyes, and place your palms on your knees. Then take a deep breath. Repeat this process.

Practicing this yoga asana strengthens the bones of the legs and thighs. Also, the asana provides relief from pain in the legs or thighs. To practice Malasana, spread a mat and stand straight. Now bend your knees and sit in a namaste pose with your hands. During this, keep a distance between the knees.

(PC: Pixabay)

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