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Keir Starmer heckled over 'Gaza children' during major Labour conference speech

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Keir Starmer's first major conference speech as Prime Minister has been interrupted by a heckler shouting about the war in Gaza.

Towards the end of the PM's address Daniel Riley confronted the Labour leader before he was hauled out of the arena at the party's annual conference. Student Mr Riley, 18, said he was infuriated by "hypocrisy" over British weapons being used in the Middle East.

But the PM - who had glitter thrown over him during last year's speech by a protestor - quipped back: "This guy has obviously got a pass from the 2019 conference." He added: "While he's been protesting, we've been changing the party. That's why we got a Labour Government."

Mr Riley told reporters outside the conference venue: "When I heard him speak about how he wanted a ceasefire in Gaza and Lebanon, the hypocrisy that we're still sending British bombs and British bullets that are being used right now. And the Prime Minister could stop that right now."

He said he was surprised that he was the only heckler during Mr Starmer's speech. "What's happened is a complete of the Labour Party and Keir Starmer, it's just completely sick." He said the Government must do "whatever it takes" to end the "genocide". "I was just angry, he says he wants a ceasefire but not taking any of the actions that he could."


During Mr Starmer's address on Tuesday - the first speech of a Labour PM to the party's conference in 15 years - he addressed the crisis in the Middle East and demanded a ceasefire in Gaza.

He told delegates: "This is a time when great forces demand a decisive government prepared to face the future. We can see that again in the Middle East today.

"So I call again for restraint and de-escalation at the border between Lebanon and Israel. I call again - for all parties to step back from the brink. I call again - for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. The return of the hostages. And a recommitment to the two state solution. A recognised Palestinian state. Alongside a safe and secure Israel."


Ahead of next month's Budget - which the PM has previously warned will be 'painful' - Mr Starmer said there would be difficult choices ahead. He said the Tories had wasted 14 years "mining the pits of division", adding: "Do not let them shift the blame - the state of our country is on them".

But he added that there is a need for the country to "turn our collar up and face the storm" as he promised to rebuild the country.

He said: "What will people get to show for it? They'll get a country with its future back. Renewed by respect and service. Rebalanced towards the interests of working people. Confident in its values and story, because together we took action.

"Millions who feel better off, without being told they are by politicians. Going to the supermarket without a calculator, because the nation's numbers now add up.

"More money in their pocket to do the things they love and more faith in public services because once again Labour has rebuilt them."

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