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Hezbollah chief Nasrallah killed…Israel Defense Force claims

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The Israeli army has made a big claim about Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah. The IDF has said that Hezbollah chief Nasrallah was killed in the Beirut attack. Nasrallah will no longer be able to scare the world. The Israeli army carried out a fierce attack on Hezbollah's headquarters late on Friday night. It was only after this attack that it said that the Hezbollah chief had been killed.

After the killing of Nasrallah, Israeli Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Halevi has warned that if anyone tries to threaten Israel and its citizens, he will have to face the consequences. There is no end to the tools in the toolbox. The meaning of saying this is clear whoever threatens the citizens of Israel, we will reach them by any means.

The IDF issued a statement saying that along with Nasrallah, other Hezbollah commanders were also killed. Nasrallah was targeted when he was present at Hezbollah's headquarters in Dahiya, Beirut. The Israeli army said that Hezbollah's headquarters in Dahiya is underground. The IDF said that this attack was carried out when Hezbollah's top officers were in their headquarters and were engaged in terrorist activities against Israeli citizens. Israel wreaked havoc in Lebanon with bunker-buster bombs throughout the night.

Israel's massive attack on Hezbollah's headquarters

IDF destroyed several Hezbollah hideouts

60 bunker rockets were fired on Hezbollah's headquarters. During this, the Israeli army destroyed many Hezbollah hideouts. The Israeli army claims that Hezbollah's headquarters was completely destroyed in this fierce attack. No one is left alive in the Hezbollah headquarters. Whoever was inside was killed. According to media reports, contact with Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah was lost since yesterday evening, when Israel claimed that it had killed him in the Beirut attack.

Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah was born on 31 August 1960 in Burj Hammoud, Beirut. He was just 22 years old when he joined Hezbollah. Nasrallah started leading this group in 1992. He was about 32 years old at that time. The popularity of the Hezbollah group increased a lot under the leadership of Hassan Nasrallah. At the age of 64, Nasrallah was considered a big leader in Lebanon.

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