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Ice cream affects not only the heart but also the brain

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On hearing the name of ice cream, anyone feels like eating it. Whether one is hungry or not, there is always a desire to eat ice cream. Ice cream can be enjoyed in any season, be it summer, winter or rainy season. However, many people believe that ice cream is not good for health, because elements like sugar, flavor and color are added to it, which can cause many diseases.

But some recent research has revealed many new and interesting things about ice cream. According to an article 'The Ice Cream Conspiracy' published in 'The Atlantic' magazine, eating ice cream can have a good effect on our health. It not only improves mood, but can also have a positive effect on the body and mind.

Beneficial for mental health

Ice cream helps improve mood. If you are stressed or feeling tired, a cup of ice cream can refresh you. Experts say that ice cream acts as a natural cooling agent, which helps relieve pain and stress. Along with this, the milk present in ice cream contains an element called 'tryptophan', which releases a happy hormone called serotonin in the brain, which improves the mood.

Makes the brain active

According to research done by the Institute of Psychiatry, London in 2021, the brain reacts faster after eating ice cream. This activates the 'orbitofrontal cortex' of the brain, which increases decision-making ability. Calcium and magnesium present in ice cream help reduce stress, which leads to good sleep and better mental health.

Reduces the risk of heart diseases

Research has also shown that ice cream can reduce the risk of heart diseases. Dairy products present in ice cream, especially milk and fat, control the speed of sugar in the blood. Ice cream has a low glycemic index value, which releases sugar slowly in the body and reduces the risk of heart problems.

Makes bones stronger

Ice cream is rich in calcium, which helps in strengthening bones. Regular consumption of ice cream helps in maintaining good bone health and also reduces the risk of many diseases.

Improves the digestive system

Ice cream contains probiotics, which help in improving our digestive system. This keeps our stomach healthy and provides relief from digestion related problems. However, if someone has any specific health problem, then ice cream should be consumed only after consulting a doctor, because it may not be beneficial for everyone.

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