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Know these three incidents related to aliens today

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There are many stories about aliens in the world, but there are some incidents that created special interest in aliens and UFOs in the minds of people. Today we will tell you about three such major incidents, due to which the world started paying attention to aliens. These incidents happened at a time when technology was not so developed that they could be fully understood.

1. The Roswell incident

This incident is from 1947, when in the month of July, a farmer found pieces of an unknown object in his field in an area called Roswell in the US state of New Mexico. The farmer did not understand what it was, so he informed the local authorities. When the authorities saw it, they also found the matter beyond understanding, and they took the help of the US Army. The US Army first considered it a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), but after a few days, it hushed up the matter by calling it a part of an ordinary weather balloon. However, many people believed that the army tried to hide the truth and in reality it was an alien ship, which the government hid.

2. The kidnapping case of Betsy and Barney Hill

The case of Betsy and Barney Hill is considered to be the first and most famous case of abduction by aliens in America. This incident is of 19 September 1961, when a couple in New Hampshire told that they were returning home by car, when suddenly a bright light came in front of their car. After this they lost their memory. When the couple regained consciousness, they found themselves several miles away from their home. They did not remember anything that happened in between. Later, through hypnosis, they tried to remember their experiences. They told that the aliens took them to a high-tech ship and examined them physically. This incident made headlines all over the world and people's curiosity about aliens increased further.

3. Phoenix Lights phenomenon

The Phoenix Lights incident took place in Arizona on March 13, 1997, when thousands of people claimed to have seen a strange object in the sky. This incident is one of the most talked about UFO sighting cases till date. According to witnesses of the incident, they saw a huge triangular shaped object with many lights. This object slowly passed over the city of Phoenix. People associated it with an alien ship. However, the government described it as just a military training mission. But still, the question remained in people's minds whether it was really an alien ship?

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