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Artificial limb fitment camp changes lives of differently abled in Pune

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PUNE: Aryan Pawar (4) has embraced his young life with delight after receiving callipers and a wheelchair at the artificial limb camp organised in in the city this last week.

The camp intended to help over 400 differently abled individuals from the city and neighbouring villages, and Aryan was the youngest of them. Many like him, who have lost their limbs due to various reasons, benefited from the camp which intends to change their lives forever. Along with free of charge fitting and distribution of artificial limbs, individuals were also given callipers, crutches and other assistive devices.

Master Pawar has been suffering from cerebral palsy since birth and his movements are restricted. Certified prosthetist and orthotist Pratibha Narwade said that although there is no cure for cerebral palsy, his life would be easier with callipers and a wheelchair. The free aid has been fitted well and offers him enhanced mobility and independence.

"With properly fitted and free equipment, he can participate in daily activities, improve his physical being and increase social interactions. The wheelchair will reduce his reliance on others, while the callipers will support his posture and allow physical therapy exercises - contributing to his overall well-being. Ultimately, these tools will let him experience a fulfilling and inclusive life. Although as he grows, he may have to change the callipers," Narwade added.

The camp was organised by Tata AutoComp Systems Ltd as part of their CSR activity. Arvind Goel, chairperson of the organisation, said, "Giving back to the society is in the DNA of our group company. The artificial limb fitment programme is a CSR initiative focused on our livelihood support plan." The camp started on Sept 24 to a positive response of over 500 registrations. In the last week, 278 people benefited. The firm intends to reach its target of 400 beneficiaries on Sunday (the last day of the camp).

Narwade further said, "In the seven-day camp, we are providing life-changing treatment to individuals suffering from conditions like cerebral palsy, leprosy, polio, lower limb amputations and those who are bedridden due to various medical issues. Our goal is to ensure their rehabilitation with Jaipur Foot, callipers, crutches and wheelchairs. These assistive devices not only restore mobility, but also offer the freedom and confidence to lead an independent life. Each fitting represents a step towards dignity."

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