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How To Live Ordinary Lives In Extraordinary Ways

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The world is a wonderful place to live in. Technology has made it even more alluring. But behind the facade of fabulous lifestyles and high-end cars are loneliness, depression and sorrow. Even those who have reached the pinnacle of success suffer from anxiety, failed relationships and mental health issues.

The Bhagwad Gita provides a technique for life that enables us to live ordinary lives in an extraordinary way. The single most important determinant of success, happiness, and growth is the intellect. The mind is a flow of thought, the domain of emotions, feelings, and impulses. The intellect has the ability to discern, discriminate between pairs of opposites, and decide. A well-fortified intellect stands apart from emotions, from the likes and dislikes of the mind, and thinks clearly.

Look within. Shift your gaze from the world to yourself. When you look at yourself objectively, you see the demons within. You begin to change the way you think, feel, and act, and the results are magical.

You think happiness lies out there in the world, in the malls of the world. If happiness were truly in the world, the same object should give the same quantum of happiness to all. This does not happen. Are we barking up the wrong tree?

We seek instant gratification. Swipe, and you get what you want in a jiffy. But that which gives instant joy gives sorrow in the long run. Junk food is delicious. However, too much of it leads to ill health. It may feel good to be nasty to people, but it makes for a lonely life later. In the rush for instant pleasure, we sign up for a life of unhappiness.

This does not mean you live a life of pain and self-denial. Enjoy instant pleasure, but also invest in your long-term happiness . Wake up early and exercise most days, but sleep in late once in a while.

We all want success in life. We do not realise that perfection lies within. Why are you working? If it is only for personal profit and pleasure, you become mediocre. Motivated by a higher ideal you become amazingly successful. Don Bradman did not play cricket for money. Ustad Bismillah Khan played the shehnai for the love of it. Einstein was dedicated to Physics.

The Bhagwad Gita says, "Work in a spirit of yajna, service, and sacrifice for a higher ideal. Go beyond petty, self-serving interests and dedicate your actions to your company, community, or country. Your mind remains calm, your intellect is sharp, and your actions brilliant. You achieve outstanding success. All unselfish people are happy. And they evolve spiritually, too."

Expand your circle of love, and you feel connected. Feel one with people, and life becomes extraordinary. Your loved ones go well beyond the routine to do things for you. You experience the incredible result of collective, cooperative effort. The larger your circle of love, the greater the happiness.

Lastly, understand that everything in the world is impermanent. Search for the permanent, that which always remains with you. The wise do not bother with the passing, ephemeral joys of life. Seek the eternal and attain it. Then you become truly extraordinary.

Authored by: Jaya Row
Jaya Row will give talks on the Bhagwad Gita from Sep 26 to 29, 6.30-8pm at Kamani Auditorium, Delhi. For details WhatsApp 9820138429

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