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Pope Francis vows to support clergy sexual abuse victims during Belgium visit

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Pope Francis on Saturday pledged support for victims of clergy sexual abuse during his visit to Belgium . The country has been confronting revelations of clerical abuse and cover-ups for two decades.

Speaking at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Brussels, Pope Francis vowed to assist those affected, saying, "Abuse generates atrocious suffering and wounds, undermining even the path of faith." He committed to "offer all the help we can" for the victims.

His comments followed a two-hour meeting with abuse survivors who are seeking compensation from the Church. The survivors have given the Pope one month to consider their requests. A Belgian news agency described the meeting as an "open, difficult, and also emotional conversation."

Survivor Koen Van Sumere expressed optimism about the discussion, calling it "positive," but noted he is waiting to see what actions will be taken next, according to a Deutsche Welle report.

During his visit, Pope Francis also faced criticism from Belgium's King Philippe and Prime Minister Alexander De Croo . King Philippe said that it took too long to address the abuses. On the other hand, Prime Minister De Croo said that concrete steps must be taken, stressing the importance of victims' voices being heard and their right to the truth.

The Catholic Church has been shaken for several years by revelations of thousands of child abuse cases involving clergy members, many of which were shielded by the institution.
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