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Kullu mosque not illegal, says government 2 weeks after protest

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KULLU: Over two weeks after right-wing Hindu outfits carried out a protest march against a mosque in HP claiming it to be unauthorised, Kullu administration Sunday clarified it was not illegal. Kullu SDM Vikas Shukla said Jama Masjid , located at Akhara Bazaar in Kullu, is owned by Punjab waqf board . "It is a permitted structure," Shukla said.

"The mosque area is 980sqm, of which we found a small deviation of around 150sqm in the mosque construction from the original maps. The waqf has requested regularisation of this deviation. We have forwarded the request to town and country planning director in Shimla," he added.

"The mosque structure is stable and safe. It doesn't pose any danger," he said.
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